Sturgeon Bay Skatepark
Let’s see… cleaning out the old inbox here. What’s this? The Sturgeon Bay Skatepark Initiative has met their finding goal and hopes to break ground on a new Grindline park in June. I wonder how that’s coming along… It’s finished? That was fast. Wait, what’s the date on that email? 2014. OK , well, that makes sense. Hold on, now they’re saying it was built by Dreamland. Maybe Wisconsin has the same wacky law that Washington has. Whatever, looks fun. Did you know Wisconsin ranks 6th out of all the states in beer consumption? I would have thought that the state with The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous would have ranked higher than Vermont. Sturgeon are kind of gnarly.
This pool is super fun! Beautiful coping and a great tribute to the triple bowl at the Turf (RIP). Great camping nearby and a very welcoming community. If you’re in the Midwest and looking for some great pool coping look no further. Appleton isn’t far away and they just build a bowl as well.