Micro House, Mini Bowl
Jenkem Magazine has a short video on Fritz Mead’s combination micro house (which he lives in) and its attached mini bowl. NYC is the locale, so I can understand the desire cut down on your rent. Amazingly, it’s not even his backyard. The main renter (or property owner?) is absent from the footage.it would be interesting to hear that perspective too. Fritz is living the dream. It may be the dream of a 13 year old boy, but he’s still living it. This video is the second installment in Jenkem’s Locals series. The first one is about a guy named Eugene Kang who’s been running an unpublicized skateshop out of his apartment. I did the same thing for a couple months once, but it was in Urbana, Illinois in the mid-80’s, and it was really just a lark. Terminal Skateshop is in NYC, and the cutover base is potentially huge, it’s still a hard way to make a living.
I wonder how cold it gets in their during the winter…
Electric space heaters work real good, I spent a winter in a fuct up trailer in nj….damn fritz made that steep, looks nice.
If he’d built the giant boob he’d never have to leave the house.