Super Jank!
I’ve seen and skated a few indoor ramps over the years, and I’m talking inside a proper house indoor, not a garage or a barn. This setup is pretty small but it’s fun to watch this little kid sessions it and rearrange at will like a little Lego set. I watched the whole thing, and every time I started to get bored another funny variation would pop up. Schaeffer McLean’s dad has out-GVKed Grover, somewhere in the U.K.. Apparently this kid is an internet sensation who has been ” uploading edits since he was 4 years old, currently one of the most watched skateboarders in the world with over 18 million You Tube views” This video is a couple years old, and the kid has gotten better, so it’s only a matter of time before we spot him breaking down, crying on his own MTV show. Still, you can’t watch this video without smiling.
IMO it is very dangerous : the occurence of a slam is likely to have you collide with furniture or anything dangerous in such tiny indoor environnement.
Yeah… but at that kid’s scale it seems ok, plus all the furniture is a padded leather couch.
Trying to stand on a plank with wheels on the bottom? It could roll right out from under him! He almost tripped over that helmet! Won’t someone please think of the children?
This is one of the greatest things i’ve ever seen.
This sick. If this kid were in the U.S. we could have a Basement skate Battle.
Ahhh…Bristol lad. This boy has been tearing it from about the age of 6. Nice to see him sporting a tee I designed : )
So rad. As a kid this was part if the plan for when I grew up and was in charge. STILL not in charge. Doh!
didn’t care for it…he’d be better off at Eton