Tony Huvr
HuvrTech is some sort of viral marketing campaign in it’s early stages that has yet to reveal it’s true purpose. From the subject matter and Tony Hawk’s involvement, you could make an educated guess that it might have something to do with the Tony Hawk Foundation. Then again, it might be just for laughs. The gist of it is that hover boards are finally a reality. The web site mimics the feel of a tech startup, and shows a fake iPhone app as well as multiple product color choices. They somehow managed to wrangle Chrisopher Lloyd into appearing. He drives up in a Delorean and his byline says he’s from Back to the Future 2. I’m not sure if that was supposed to be intentionally funny or not. Other celebrity appearances include Moby, former NFL player Terrell Owens, and a befuddled looking Billy Zane. The production value is pretty cheap, and they don’t quite pull it off. Everyone floats a couple feet off the ground instead of at normal truck height, and there’s a lot of swaying around. The stunt rider’s foot doesn’t quite touch the ground on the one shot that shows any pushing. The main “production model” is a Mattel hoverboard replica with a few strategically placed stickers. The videos just went live yesterday, so I’m sure we’ll learn more soon, if there is anything to learn. Stills and videos from Huvrtech after the jump. Check out past hoverboard posts on S&A, including an actual working hoverboard.
UPDATE: Come on people! It’s fake! They don’t tell you how much it costs because they are not for sale. Not now, not ever! Repeat after me: “You may tell yourself, this is not my beautiful hoverboard.”
Christopher Lloyd (or possibly David Letterman)

Tony Hawk goes space age extreme!


Terrell Owens.

The air push. He must have hoversneakers.

This is the Huvr board, right here.

Choose your weapon.

Just so you know… The Hoverboard first made an appearance in BTTF2, that’s why it says the movie under Lloyd’s name…
Yeah.. but that’s like saying “Harrison Ford, from the Empire Strikes Back”
So when the board is in flight, moving forward and accelerating, the guys foot doesn’t need to touch the ground. Inertia keeps him moving. His foot touches on the previous push. And being that he’s a novice on a board he’s never used, it’s safe to assume that he might miss the ground on a couple pushes. It’s not like that would immediately throw him off the board, or stop the board in mid flight.
So far there hasn’t been a single shred of real evidence to disprove this, but everyone seems so sure it’s fake. I for one am hoping it’s real, and until proven otherwise, I’ll choose to believe it.
So, what keeps them from falling to the ground when the board is behind their back? Look at the photo of Terrel Owens catching the football. Even if the board was real, why would he not crash to his knees in that position? If it was an anti-grav field that surrounded the rider then the board itself would be redundant and pointless. Wires are holding them up.
I think Tim is an intern for “_______” marketing company. Seriously? Nothing about this looks real. It’s obviously a spoof.
@JBH – If this were a tie in with the movie they’d probably just use the actual Mattel board that was already licensed. My guess is some kind of charity, exercise or skateboard awareness thing.
Pointless but entertaining. And didn’t everybody in the movie airpush?
Lloyd looks like Nick from the Apprentice (for all you british lads).
Put some images together of some of the parts where they screwed up in filming/editing.
I’m calling anniversary, re-release or other such “Back to the Future” tie-in.
im intrested in becoming a sole distributor in Malaysia…can I know the further information…
How much is it?
How much does it cost? Is it available for public to buy
It’s fake (hoax). Video editing.
See link above.
One meeeelion dollars. But if you contact me, I’ll sell you one for only half that.
Bring it to the uk and how much is it
this board very liked i wanna buy , how much ?
The wires and harness are possibly visible at points throughout the video. Seems obviously to be a fun fake, that is being used as a viral marketing ploy. Everyone loves a nostalgic gimmick. Tony wasn’t false about the influence of BTF2 though. That Valterra was my first board!
People asking “how much?” might be interested in a bridge I have for sale… REAL CHEAP.
As much as I wish it was real…I can’t stop laughing. Good one Tony Hawk, good one.
where can i buy this I want to buy this Hover Board Thing