R.I.P. Steve Schneer
Steve Schneer was a professional skater in at least 3 decades, and yes he invented one of the more memorable tricks in skateboarding. There’s an excellent Jim Goodrich photo of Steve from 1979 that was a SOTW here on S&A. I only met Steve a couple times, but he was always approachable and bringing smiles to those around him. A celebration of his life planned in Boise on Saturday February 8th at Jumpin Janet’s.
[Photo: EPM]
Rats. W’happen mate?
he looks like a hell bent skater , sad to hear,
rest in peace brother, you skated well.
Schneer had a great heart and could skate like one bad mofo. Had some great times with him….
The dude ruled! Always a good time with Schneer. Heres proof!
Gnarly! Stoked!
He invented the ho ho….r.ip. Steve
What was the Ho Ho on the lip called? The Crab or something like that?
Idk…the day I got a street plant ho ho street plants became totally obsolete
This helped me soo much remember him! I am related to him cuz he is my uncle