Weird/Crappy/Old Board of the month
This time around we have something known as a “Protuff” skateboard, and apparently this is #5. I’ve never seen the Protuff brand, so I would have assumed it was some sort of European equivalent to Nash or Variflex, but this auction came out of Florida. As is sometimes the case with these toy store boards, there’s more than meets the eye here. The Grim Reaper comes complete with some of the oddest looking plastic trucks copers you’ve likely ever seen.
I’m not sure what’s going on here. Can these be adjusted? Is that meant to be functional or just the cheapest way to affix the hangars?
It looks like it would be effective to protect the kingpin ,but I couldn’t see riding this board long enough to produce that kind of wear.
I’ve seen trucks like this before, on cheap boards in the UK. They are actually fairly normal looking trucks, but they have copers ( removable ) which cover the top of the kingpin. I remember thinking at the time this was actually quite a good idea, made of decent plastic they would probably work quite well for grinds. I actually got my hands on one, ( I forget how ), trimmed it down and it sits, to this day, on the front truck of my old freestyle set up and was great for stopping the kingpin from digging into my leg trying pogos and such…
I missed that those were copers until I really studied it. Imagine if you were going to (or had to, like at the Turf) ride copers that little extra kingpin cover would work well, especially if you were busting out the pogos in the frestyle area.
nash xlr trucks have actually captured your attention