If you do, It’s illegal
You many not see many kids with skateboards, zooming down your street. And if you do, it’s illegal.
100% Pure Fun publisher Larry Ransom uploaded some old VHS capture of a news story about the banning of skateboards in Lockport, New York, circa 1988. The best quote (and delivery) is in the opening 5 seconds, but it’s got plenty of other audio gold, strange inflections and hip lingo.
Next on Nightcast, how to acheive a winning head of hair!
It is still illegal in the state of Florida.
Next on nightcast pussy gets stuck in a Tree
Yeah. Try to find one car driver that has breaked or slowed down once, or ever, in the last 25 years…
Awesome. Thanks Kilwag.
****follow up on eric shugats….”upon seizing eric’s board he then turned to the local coke dealer out of boredom and caught a lethal dose and died 2 years later homeless” ok so that didnt happen but this government did give clean needles to junkies, yet they take your board…
i like how their so entitled to take your board, like it cost nothing, completes back then cost $130.00
Dudes who run stop signs get their cars taken, right?
uh…no, the get an $80.00 fine, or just a stern talking to
Wasn’t that a young Kent Brockman presenting Nightcast?
I think it is about time someone did something about those evil skateboards. Those kid will never amount to anything. I hope they still enforce there rules. I bet that may have save young Eric Shugat’s life. Thank you Big Brother.
This is golden.