Running a marathon on a treadmill
Running a marathon on a treadmill is in reference to skating in a skatepark that mimics real world spots. 99% Invisible is Roman Mars’ radio show about design, distributed on Public Radio. Episode 71, In and Out of LOVE features the familiar theme of skateboarders reinterpreting their environment for their own needs. It’s made with the help of skaters for the non-skating public, but just as your attention starts to wander they get down to focusing on Love Park. You know the story, but listening to a well produced audio version makes it fresh again. A big part of it is the random asides, including audio of the original architect, Edmund Bacon. Definitely worth checking out. You can watch video footage of Edmund’s act of civil disobedience after the jump, but do yourself a favor and listen to In and Out of LOVE first.
[Photos: Mike Blabac] – MC is artsy
It’s a good listen. Hearing old Bacon say “that his whole damn life had been worth it just for that moment” made listening to that entire dam podcast worth it.
ok no ones probably going to believe this but last august I posted on 99 percents fb page with a question, what sport relies on architecture yet architects hate them. I then went on to talk about the big money purse of street league and how all the skate obstacles were architectural reproductions of actual street details. probably had nothing to do with this show cause really its hard to have an original idea by yourself…
I listened to the 99 % it was intresting ,but then all I heard was click clack click clack click clack krrrrrrrrrrrrrr zzzzzzzzzzxmppff I’m not sure of the correct spelling or if written language could possibly express the feeling the punctuation was left behind eat my dust punctuation is skating just a mode of transportation it does get you places it changes your perception of the places you go the scenery changes when your skating a magic carpet if you will. Ok the punctuation is catching up with me ,click…….claack…….click ……clack I need a Pepsi