Portland Indoors
Indoors, a video from Elias Parise covers some of Portland’s indoor spots, well known and otherwise. 155 days of rain a year? Who knew?
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on December 13th, 2012
Categories: Skate
Tags: indoors, Oregon, Portland, videos
Indoors, a video from Elias Parise covers some of Portland’s indoor spots, well known and otherwise. 155 days of rain a year? Who knew?
I just don’t understand how one city could have so much that is as utterly awesome as PDX. Jeez..
Auntie Larry is wondering when an invite to one of these exclusive clubs will come through his letter box?
I’ll invite you to Marek’s mini-wamp anyday! It’s a treat and a half. Did you notice the pool block on one side?
Uncle Susan would also like to attend these indoor follies. Uncle Susan and Auntie Larry skate together often.
And I’m here in shitville nc