Friday T&A on S&A: Bikini Giveaways
Brianna Vance, somewhere in Texas:
Photo by Wes Chmielowski. Feeble. Say what you will this is the only time you’ll see me skating half naked. Took this photo for Creature they sent me a swim suit and I didn’t want to take a regular photo like all the other girls sent in of them just trying to look hot. I decided I was doing a skate photo. It is a skateboard company after all.
I asked her before posting it. She knows the context. She’s not a regular reader, but that’s no reason to be an ass in the comments people. Bonus non-objectifying shot after the jump.
This one of Brianna from A-minus Skateboards.
Damn, when is creature going to send me a free mankini?
After Auntie Larry is finished with it.
Finally a replacement for the missing purple speedo!
Just because she can sort of pose doesn’t mean she still doesn’t look like an idiot. Get back to the kitchen.
Mastercrapper Fuck off shithead
So eloquent!
It’s called sarcasm. Get a sense of humor junior.
If the “sarcasm” is indistinguishable from knuckle-draggin’, dick-wavin’ chauvinist slurs, it’s not very effective sarcasm, is it?
well as I don’t know Mastercrapper then I can’ say for 100% sure, but I really don’t think that the comment “get back to the kitchen” is a serious one, do you?
I’ve heard and read that same comment elsewhere when people were 100% serious about it, and frankly, here it seemed just as mean-spirited as saying the rider “sort of pose[d]” and “look[ed] like an idiot.” Hence my comment that it was indistinguishable from just being a dick.
Brianna, keep doing your thing!
I’m not just posing it. feebles are pretty easy. I wanted to shoot a front smith but this quarter was too short for me to get a good grind on. I wasn’t going to shoot this photo in a park and the only other good spot was to wet to skate.
hey B way to go you look good skating and that’s final .you look great and your comfortable enough to show your body good for you. you can come up to canada and skate my backyard pool any time. just don’t let my wife catch you , cause we are both dead ! just kidding.
This was actually a very uncomfortable thing for me to do. My friend who shot the photo I’ve known for 7yrs an it was still awkward hahaha thank you so much for the positive feedback !
girls rule i’m glad you ride .
i luv u
more bikini women skating
How can I get a bikini?
She’s beautiful in both pictures, and probably a better skateboarder than three-quarters of the Keyboarders on this site.
That said, I’d like to see a sexy front-rock. Think Lee Ralph.
Thank you for that!
Maybe only chicks should be allowed to skate, cuz she manages to pull off the bikini with socks look, and, I seem to recall that fully naked chicks still look good when skating… whereas, naked dudes look worse on a skateboard than on a surfboard, or on just about anything… to the point that they could permanently put women off of the naked male form, and we can’t have that, so maybe guys should be banned from skating, in case their clothes fall off and we become extinct.
And is that a leg garter? Maybe leg garter “overrides” socks (paper, scissors)….
Yeah the leg garter was much. But they asked to wear whatever creature stuff I had with the bikini and I got the leg guarder with my last creature board.
Just make sure if you ever go to a Rumble in Ramona that those Cal-geeked midwestern clowns let you skate instead of trying to getcha to be a cheese girl. (If Katy Perry were hesh, she would so be there….) Keep it ‘brunette Texas’ (real).
Hell yeah haha thanks. !
Think for a second… Would either of these made it if t
She wasn’t half naked? Lets stick to skateboarding and not the vanity that this chick has.
Full frontal clothing on the bottom shot!
You know what they say, you can take a slayer to skate spots, but you can’t make him slay chicks.
Say what you want and think what you want. If you knew me you would lnow I’m probably one of the least vain chicks out there. I’m actually the opposite. I lack self confidene when it comes to looks lol I’ve always been a tomboy and still am just because I shoot one photo showing skin that doesn’t make me vain
Just remember that, to them what aren’t threatened, your attractiveness gets a “times two” for being a real skater… so no mere model can contend. Then again, to those whose sensibilities it does threaten, you do of course rate a “divided by ten”, at best… but you ain’t missing much by not being admired by the weenie brigade. It’s one of those anomalies: Insecure guys, not a good target, insecure girls, woo-hoo… buck naked guys on skateboards, could make Liberace puke; naked-at-all (or even just reminiscent) girls on same, thank you world!
(But, this being the internet, we all know you’re really just a middle aged dude with photoshop skills….)
Good pic , good trick.
Good pick Kilwag
Good chick Brianna !
Chic chic chic
women skate transition good bcuz they have a lower center of gravity then men…but i could watch this stuff for days. its the best of both worlds
I dig the delicate style in the second. There’s no way a guy could pull that off without looking dumb.
Go on wit yo bad self, Brianna. Your body is bangin’ and your skate skills look good, too. If you feel good about one, the other or both, then more power to you. Anyone worth his (or her) salt would know that neither of those completely defines you as a person anyway.
That”s an interesting shot – if you look carefully, it’s actually the skating that overtakes the nakedness, no matter how much you try and focus on the skin. The extension of the leg, the shape thrown by the left arm – I see all of that before any boobies, or whatever. That’s a photo with a subtle message – all it’s components are ordered by importance, and the clothing worn (or not worn) by the body comes way down the list, after the actual skating. It’s like it’s daring people to try and be misogynistic, whilst all the while knowing that if they do, they’ll be found wanting.
skaters always have the nicest scars
oh my god… i used to dream about girls like you. i never thought you existed. keep on trucking!
Thanks everyone for the positive feedback ! I love skating I don’t do it for attention (I never liked when people even watched me skate) like I’ve seen some girls do it for. I do it for the love of it. Can’t stop won’t stop even when I’m hurt.
Dang, show a little skin and there’s an uproar from the old dudes. For a sport that is supposed to be about doing your own thing, there certainly are a lot of haters around.
wow. hot and a good skater. will you marry me?
Hey Brianna, good for you. You look great in both photos. Way to get free stuff.
FTW, do what you do. Those that don’t get it aren’t worth your bother.
Keep up the good work. You look great in both shots.
Fat bitches need love too