Make a simple longboard
Why not make a simple longboard? It might do you some good to broaden your horizons a little. How’s yours coming MC?
[Source: Make Projects]
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on November 23rd, 2012
Categories: D.I.Y., Skate
Tags: longboards
Why not make a simple longboard? It might do you some good to broaden your horizons a little. How’s yours coming MC?
[Source: Make Projects]
BRO! Thas frickin’ SICK!! I am so HYPED on this BRO!! Mega-Mega stoked on this KILLER DIY!!
I’m flattered.
Title should be ‘Making a longboard made simple’.
Without preaching pro or against; DIY/homemade longboard building has been booming over tha last few years, at least over here in Western Europe. Some guys have pretty impressive presses and some have made a business of it. The quality is there.
Making skateboards: almost as fun as riding them.
Agreed. Back in high-school, I made several skateboards using an old waterski-press. I used mahoghany veneer, and gripped them in astro-deck. Cal-Skate had original OJs at the time for $8 a set, and I set the boards up with old Indys. Super fun rain boards.
A waterski press? Where did you get your hands on that? That sounds awesome.
They had one at my school shop–people still waterskied back then–but if you could build your own with a large bandsaw and a gluelam. That’s pretty much all the one I used consisted of. We used some large C-clamps to force the wood together. Harbor Freight has great deals on clamps, but in a pinch, you could jack up the front-end of a pickup truck and set one of the front wheels on a home-made wood-press and achieve the same results. Also cutting your own would give you better control over rocker, kick-tail etc.
Of course another method is to hit garage sales and thrift shops, and cut down an old wooden water-ski, but where’s the fun in that?
What the fuck is this?^
Poorly formatted pingback from another web site that linked to this post. Blame the guy who coded this site.
Poor Fitz! His perfectly worded flashback is the stuff of woodshop-legend.
No thanks a like ollies