Best Friends skateboard. You know, like the little girl’s necklaces. By Carlton Dewoody, for sale on Grey Area. The price tag is absurd, but my hats off to Carlton for having the hutzpah to get it done and listed for that amount.
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on November 27th, 2012
Categories: Artsy Fartsy, Skate, Wacky Skateboards
Best Friends skateboard. You know, like the little girl’s necklaces. By Carlton Dewoody, for sale on Grey Area. The price tag is absurd, but my hats off to Carlton for having the hutzpah to get it done and listed for that amount.
$1,200 for a broken “art” board? Throw in that soap on a rope for $650 and you have a deal!
Herpes is a gift that keeps on giving. It’s pretty much free too.
can you get any faggier?
98% gay
50% Homophobia and we’re only four posts deep!? Come on, serious skateguys, you can hate harder than that!
Hurry if you want yours cuz only one of the three is left. I bought one for both my best friends. Don’t tell, though – k?