The Deer Hunter
Best crash vid ever. It’s hard to tell from this still frame, but that’s Ryan Vitale’s downhill run ending abruptly courtesy of the local wildlife during the third annual Buffalo Bill Downhill in Golden, Colorado with no major injuries to either party.
[Source: Grind TV] – Thanks to Sarib for the tip.
I came down the hill right after all this happened. Pretty crazy that he was tangled with the deer for as long as he was. Probably a little softer than asphalt.
Did he smell funny afterwards? They were both going the same-ish direction, it would have been hard to untangle himself once he was already on top. Plus he’d have to worry about getting kicked. Incredible footage. What a story to be able to tell and show.
He got rushed off in an ambulance pretty quick. Got battered and bruised but no major injuries. He came back to the hill the next day to check out the racing. I have a couple other friends who have hit deer/elk. They ended up with broken bones so this guy really lucked out.
I can’t believe you know more than person who this has happened to!
great corrida !
oh deer!
This one was everywhere on facebook.
Nice Tackle.
animal cruelty, why did you have to hold on to him for so long? not nice.
That is what I call getting Bucked!
Skate or Doe
You shouldn’t take ’em out if you’re not going to eat them.
This is big news around the world!
I just spotted the clip in one of the biggest news sources in Denmark. By any chance, was the deer named “John”?