Electric skateboards are a dime a dozen, but Gnarboards are the first ones to have any “oomph” to them. With speeds up to 28mph and the torque to go off-roading uphill, these things look damned fun. They don’t however, look like much of a skateboard anymore. I’ll give them props when I see the first motor-assisted megaramp jump. It looks like they are massive and solidly constructed. That takes money, which requires the prerequisite trip to Kickstarter. If I was a rock star I’d buy a fleet of them, get loaded, puke on my dog and then drive them into my (full) pool. Pretty impressive product, actually, considering it can tackle the Whiskeydrome. Video after the jump.
– Thanks to Concretins Nik for the tip.
WOW! Radical. What’s the cost? What’s it weight? How long to charge it and how long does a full charge last? Please don’t say it costs over a grand.
What am I doing in front of this computer when Tigard is probably empty. I got to go! Gabriel is calling.
I got a new one for KlaMETH Falls.
KlaMeth Falls may have one of the most awesome skate parks in the world but I have to say it’s truly the Culo of Oregon. It’s the retum of Oregon. It’s the sphinkter of Oregon. There’s no place like KlaMeth Falls.
“…not much of a skateboard anymore.”, hm.
I think there is still a hiatus in traffic law here and there. Time for a new category.
I call it…..footcart.
I call it fun looking
would be rad to rally one around my mini-bike track.
Agreed. Looks fun, man!
A grand! HA! Try $2.9 Grand. Though the drag race with the Corvette is also impressive. But no way can I justify that thing without a lotto win.
This is just enhancing America’s obesity rates.