Friday T&A on S&A: Mike Giant Confesses
Thes are a few images from graffiti artist/illustrator Mike Giant‘s solo show at Fecalface Gallery in San Francisco opens Friday, July 20th, from 7–10 pm. It’s appropriately titled “Confessions of an Old Dirty Skateboarder,” which works well for our purposes here. There are other items besides loads pinups covered in skateboard flash art.
– Thanks to KC for the tip.
Hey, it’s that blonde bit. from “The View”. Who knew she had all those tats?
What a joke. Who the hell is this Mike Giant?!
I seen a print of his in a gallery for around $800, it had the Bones Ripper, the Screaming Hand plus some other 80’s skate art on it. Not even re-drawn, just completely ripped off.
I’d like to know why he’s so famous for ripping other images off, and why he has not even been sued yet.
What kind of people purchase this crap or support him.. it’s like something from Art School Confidential.
Whoever this guy is.. he’s a kook!
Mike Giant has been involved with skate culture for years…he created the Think Skateboards tag logo and did board graphics for Real.
Mike Giant is well established as an illustrator no doubt about that, this on the other hand is pathetic. Though i do understand how this fits into his style of work, which i dont like, nor dislike. This is just photo manipulation, kind of lame considering its getting its own gallery.
graff artist just making paper…shit sells
Wow, he photo shopped old decals on some naked chic photos. Wow.
It’s not Photoshopped, it’s all hand drawn in Sharpie AKA no erasing AKA one slight “ooops” and the piece is ruined. That’s part of what makes Mike’s work so good is the level of accuracy and perfection with the medium in which he works. That’s cool if you don’t “get it” but don’t hate on the guy, he’s a legend.