Screen printing is amazing
I’ve never heard Zarosh talk, so at first I thought the voiceover was actually him, but it isn’t. This video is the best. All instructional videos should be like this, even though it isn’t very instructional. Still, I gleaned a few things after watching it. Looks like Zarosh is usining the exact same exposure unit (AKA grow light) that Cold War has. Skateboards by Platypus, and voiceover by Birdo. Screen printing is amazing.
– Thanks to Joey for the tip.
that was awesome
Hell yeah! Zarosh is a rad guy. He took us to skate his DIY bowl after the Laguna Seca Race. Took 45 min of driving through dirt roads to get to it. Pretty sweet set-up he’s got there. Lines are hard to find but it’s smooth and fun to skate. Nobody can skate that thing like Zarosh.
That rules!
“robot skaters, is that where we’re heading…I don’t think so.” wink wink, nod nod.
Cool vid, thanks for posting it.
smoke much?