Element Case not Element Skate
Element Case (no relation) is releasing a handful of new iPhone cases with skate graphics on them. It’s basically one of three different cases with what are essentially removable hard plastic (lexan) stickers on the outside. Base prices range from $40 to $150 (!!!) depending on how high tech you want it. The more expensive ones actually look better (tip to tail, not truck to truck) but who has $100-$150 to blow on a case for a phone? Not me, dear readers. They do look nice though, and who would have guessed Pineapple Designs would have been one of the offerings? I’m still patiently waiting for the call from the lucky manufacturer who wants to license Skate and Annoy designs. How about a nice iPad case with a giant GVK face on the back? I wonder if Staab is sharing Tony hawk’s business manger. Seems like he’s got more product out now then he ever did in his heyday. Wait, maybe this is his heyday. Speaking of heyday… Holy Frank! It’s Billy Ruff in the product video? I haven’t heard anything about him in ages. (Wait.. I’m still watching.) An appearance by Brad Bowman and Steve Caballero too, plus manufacturing shots. There’s footage of the manufacturing process and a visit to the Powell factory. Ironically, the iPhone case stickers are direct screened and the Powell process shown involves heat transfers.
Plastic add-ons to augment the self. Pay the price to market for others. Align yourself with the product and its fraternity. A conduit for marketing first, a person second. The individual takes too long to know and judge, branding helps alleviate that burden so we can move on. Incessant marketing of our favorite products, no longer the domain of NFL fans, KISS felators, and weekend Harley riders. Conspicuous consumption rides a skateboard, but can’t do a frontside rock and roll.
Brawndo’s got electrolytes.
Hey, FS RnR is fkn hard!
Looks like a nice product, for those 35+ iPhone wielders.
Billy likes to talk. It took me a few minutes before I realised they sell the surrounding case and not just the sticker.
Some of those graphics are too big and are cut off at the edge. Say something Neil!
they look great but not $150 great. Plus when the iPhone 5 comes out this case probably won’t fit anymore.
and hopefully the featured skaters get a cut of any profits. Not that I think they will be selling too many at these prices.
That was one lame moneygrab infomercial.
I don’t care, I saw Cab frontside smithin’ and rockandrollin’. Great sweater; there’s your longboarding connection
I kept waiting for Duane to start in on the festivities.
The soundtrack was well-researched.
so sick and fknhard.com