Sponsor Luv: Travis Augustine for Merde
Merde-y Merde merde. Travis Augustine flows on flow in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Holy cow, I guess the skatepark is still open. What’s the sitch, Egbert? “M.” “ake.” “Make.”
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on March 12th, 2012
Categories: Skate
Tags: Klamath Falls, Merde, Northwest, Oregon, Skateparks, sponsor luv
Merde-y Merde merde. Travis Augustine flows on flow in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Holy cow, I guess the skatepark is still open. What’s the sitch, Egbert? “M.” “ake.” “Make.”
kids ripping=affirmative
monitor dude was lame
even california was more lax
monitor guy has been gone for years and we have been killing it ever since, time for you people to come back and get your grinds in!
Good to know. I t used to be a dicey situation. Nobody wants to drive for four hours to find out the park is randomly closed for some arbitrary reason.
Does this count as a SOTW?
When i went there, the monitor pointed out the hole in the fence, she said this if for guys like you to come in “after hours”. I was blown away by the day care atmosphere, and closing when the heat was below 100.
Anyhow, glad to see the city figured this out, the park rules. Long live the Johnson bowl!
Shit in the past. Make the drive you pussy’s. Egg forgot to mention Fifteen bikes at a time doing a train around the whole park=daycare.
for real that shit has been long gone and done with! most of the fence is even gone!
Oh yeah, bikes there. They seem to know whats up though. And as a plus, no scooters!
Get real, the bikes in K Falls don’t know shit about “whats up”! They do Trains, phuckin the whole flow of the park. They congregate in areas, blocking the flow of the park. They track dirt into the park and I have never seen one of those lazy Phucks bring a broom or a blower to the park and help out. Phuck those naggers.Get a shovel and build your own scene.
true that i couldnt have said it better myself!