SOTW 3-26-12: Andy Adams, Fobbed
This week’sShot of the Week is Andy Adams at the DOS/FOB bowl in Portland, as shot by Elias Parise. I’m going to get it out of the way now because I know someone is going to ask again. This is the DOS bowl from the now defunct Department of Skateboarding in Portland, but now it’s a cooperative open to members only, not affiliated with D.O.S.. Fob refers to the electronic key fob that controls access via computer instead of keeping track of a thousand keys. But who cares? That’s a boss lien air. I can’t recall a DOS photo I’ve liked more.
did you just say that’s a “boss” lien air?
I did. I enjoy using antiquated slang. It’s just dandy.
Man, that is a great shot! Makes me wanna score a lid and hunt some ginch! Hope I don’t get skunnered!
FOB bowl. great name!
Far out!
Should have put that strobe out of view behind the gas heater
Long live the kingdom of FOBDOS!