Sidewalk Shop
The Sidewalk Shop is an excellent place if you’ve got a fetish for pre-urethane wheeled skateboards and/or crows. I only wish they’d credit the source of the old photos and let you enlarge the images of the old boards. Definitely worth spending your time there.
Superb site !
… And the raven said : ever more !!!
Wow, this guy has a cool thing going. Devil’s toys! I wanna go home and cannibalize my dresser drawer. Why is no one making urethane repros of those cool Hobie wheels?
Madrid made repros of the early Cadillac wheels, same sort of profiles as clay wheels. Someone did some really nice 60’s era Hobie repros. I think they even had clay wheels. Secret tip: Cold War is working on a steel wheel project.
You’re not just going to order the Carrasco steel wheels from Sk8kings?
Yes there are repros – just check quad skate sites and you will find wood wheels repro and clay wheels repro too.
Thanks for the tip, Bevilaqua. I can now complete the look, hit a pebble and bust my buns in period correct style. Skating can’t get any more technical or extreme so this is the only logical direction for things to go. Like 4-track recording in the age of hair metal.