Brooklyn Street Benefit Redux
What a difference a day makes; Some more information, a new flyer, and now the beer is free.
This Brooklyn Benefit will be to help fund a new miniramp section behind the back 4ft pocket to the sidewalk in the asphalt section. We want to try and raise $3,000, and although it will take a few of these fundraisers, donating (suggested) $8 will help BSSS get their faster! Please remember 21+, none of us want to be the asshole that has to turn you away.
Brooklyn Street Skate Spot is now going to be under Skaters for Portland Skateparks non-profit status which will make it easier for funding and accepting other donations!
Welsh Pete is right. 46 pos(t)ers should be very ashamed of themselves for having me, the foreign kid a.k.a. ‘the dutch tourist’ steal first comment.
At least yell: “Free beer!” or something.
Free beer!
Honestly I’d totally go to this if I lived in Oregon. Unfortunately there is no website with further details of the event.