Skateboarders win civil suit in Portland
ESPN reports via Portland local Garric Ray that two Portland skateboarders assaulted by a security guards at Portland’s Pioneer Park finally settled the civil suit against the security company out of court. It’s been going on for a couple of years. I remember getting a tip about it when it first happened, so I checked it out. At first it was being spun as a skaters assaulting the security guards and I passed on it. Garric interviews one of the plaintiffs Brian Baca over at ESPN. That’s Brian above in a photo by Ray. I’m not sure why Garric didn’t chose to break this story directly on S&A instead of ESPN. I’m sure we pay nearly as much as ESPN… Quick, what’s double of nothing? Video of the original incident via Transworld after the jump.
Wait.. you bury the story, side with security guards, then wonder why you’re late on this? Doh.
I chose not to publish originally because they article I saw presented the skateboarders as the aggressors.
this is why we have skateparks. Those gaurds were in the right.
Uh-oh, here we go…
Those asses aren’t worthy of the name guard,or ‘gaurd’ for that matter…
I thought we had skateparks so wannabe gangster skateboarders could shoot each other.
A settlement is in no way a “win”. Not even close. The suit just goes away. The only possible “win” is a judgement in one parties favor.
What a CROCK!!! The guards looked like bullies and the skaters bitches. Where’s the truck grab windmill action? It looked like everyone was dropping their board. Hold on to that mother f’er. My board is my life, my pepper spray a chance to run, and my gun, constitution and bible to make things right. Lick balls Obamma supporters!
“truck grab”… don’t you mean MALLGRAB? speaking of the mall, all these idiots belong there. go mall or go home.
Mall grab, Mall grabber. That’s a good one.