Skate Wars

My sons are obsessed with Star Wars. My eldest came home from the book fair with Darth Paper Strikes Back by Tom Angleberger. It’s in the vein of Diary of a Wimpy Kid (You’re familiar with the genre, right?) I’ve been reading a little bit of it each night to him, and as far as […]

SOTW 11-14-11: Andrew Adams at Burnside

This week’s Shot of the Week is an Andrew Adams kickflip taken at Burnside by Elias Parise. It’s also the image used in the flyer for his show currently on display at FOCO Gallery in Portland. – Thanks to Ted Schwallie for the tip. He’s got photos of the opening on Facebook.

Wrenches and hammers

It’s funny that in this day and age of conformity to the popsicle stick there are more vanity shaped boards available than there ever were in the money bumps era. I don’t think there ever were any “goof” shapes in the 80’s with the possible exception of those Mutant shapes that were skewed, and I […]

Skate like an Egyptian

From Legoland in California. – Thanks to Marek Litinski for the tip.

Rob Roskopp interview… on a bike site

Sure, his boards have been reissued in life size and on fingerboards, and they are always very active on eBay, but you don’t hear about Rob Roskopp the person anymore. I had heard that he was heading up the mountain bike division of Santa Cruz, but had never actually read anything confirming it. Leave it […]

Rad Dad

No pads? Rad Dad: Dispatches from the frontiers of fatherhood is a book by Tom Moniz, published by Microcosm Publishing. It’s excerpts of his zine of the same name and another called Daddy Dialectic “two kindred publications that have explored parenting as political territory.” Yowza. Sounds a lot heavier than the other alternadad literature like […]


I think it’s German for “rad street plaza.” Probably not. I swear I had this on S&A already but cant’s find it via search, and it’s not tagged so my apologies if this is a repeat. Free t-shirt to whoever finds it elsewhere on this site. There you go, a contest. Innsbruck, Austria is the […]