There’s carving…
And there’s really carving. Sa ka roulé has a lot of pictures combined with a lot of words that I can’t read either. It’s a downhill board that looks sharp, heavy, and fast. This is at least the third post I’ve done on skateboards carved out of a solid block of wood, but it’s not the last. I’ve got another one in language I can read coming up shortly. Sadly, it’s also not the first time I’ve used the carving joke.
Hurraaay,Sa Ka Roule on SnA! Congrats SKR.
Kilwag,are you so unsure about the language that you are afraid to say it’s french? Can’t imagine. I’m sure you are familiar (heheey!) with french-derived words like: brilliant,superb,unique and.yes.concave (which is about 1 3/8″ at deepest point). I can kind of figure out the big lines from the french. Basically it says you need the dream,free time,the right tools and skills,blabla,etc.
I can’t find what type of wood those are. Help us out,bevilacqua.
French FRENCH french Francais. Yeah, it was too overwhelming for me. I can pick out words and phrases here and there but that page was overwhelming for me. My highschool French teacher would be so disappointed in me. Je suis vraiment desole Monsiuer Lindvall. Don’t give me any flack about missing accents, I don’t know how the frogs type them in.
I’m sure your french is ‘le meilleur’ than mine. Funny,since this week I can’t find my accents either!
…I like to ride top mounted also but they are still beautiful boards. Difficult to keep the wood straight and symmetrical,handcarved.
Merci beaucoup,Bevilacqua.
So chic !
Ohhhh Mr Dashwood ! (my wife’s a Jane
and it says : made solely with a chisel and golden hands, if you have big balls you can ride this DH board down the Alpine hills of French Savoie.
“Ooooh lala” it was a bit “risqu
if you need more details, check it here :
Sorry Kilwag, it is still in french … but IMO the pictures speak for theirselves.
Looks like quite the undertaking, nice work and very beautiful, I’m a top mount kind of guy though. Stuff like this reminds me of the line from The Dirty Dozen “sure are pretty, but can they fight?” They do look very functional though.
One of the boards fell from a cliff, 90 feet down in a mountain river full of rocks … no harm. A dry ashwood is hard and very solid.
And yes, the young shredders who use these boards are fast, really fast DownHillers.
I’m not taking anything away from the people who created these masterpieces or those who ride them, just saying I’d like to see a pic of one set up and a few miles on it. Just a bit too polished for my tastes but tons of respect for the creators and riders.