The Dalles, Oregon skatepark is open
So I went to the Dalles, Oregon to check out the new Spohn Ranch skatepark about a week ago. I remembered to set the alarm so I could get there before it was overrun with kids. I remembered to set the timer for the coffee maker. I remembered to charge the camera battery. I remembered my tripod. I remembered my sunglasses. I remembered CD’s for the 80 mile car ride. I forgot my wallet. I forgot my skateboard. Super!
A couple of panoramas.
It’s a pretty straight forward street flavored skatepark, but definitely not a street plaza design. Everything is solidly constructed and the finish is smooth. Looks like a fun spot, and according to the parks guy I talked to, it’s been packed with kids. I was there at 8:30 am on Sunday morning, so that’s why there’s nobody in the shots. The kids were trickling in by 9:30.
Portland likes street too, right? Major props to The Dalles for making this happen. Looks worth the trip to me.
You sound like me: Years ago in school,5-day field trip in the outdoors. I got all the stuff,even smuggled in some liquor. I forgot my towell and toothbrush.
…I love those ‘urban’ pictures with no people in ’em!
cool consept if it was a bigger park an that was the little section of the park
agreed, looks fun, but kind of just a place to stretch the legs on a road trip between Irrigon and Hood River. The Dalles kids are going to be good at bank with a ledge riding. looks fun but redundant from these photos. I’m glad it’s not ramps
A trip to yakima is certainly in order. 1st stop hood river, then the dalles! The yakima park is fun as well.
It’s always good to have tranny and street mixed. Too often parks are all street with a giant bowl. It keeps people too segregated and no one tries anything new.
I guess phase 2 will make it rad
my kids were oohhing and ahhing over those pics.
Looks rad. I sense a nice winter spot. Cold as fuck, but far more often dry and sunny during the winter months (when compared to Portland).
And I’m stoked there’s no bowl or big tranny, but I like parks that don’t wind up being more of the same.
And for those who like tranny skating, there’s a bowl in the works? Cool for you guys.
I see a c
Sorry for the weird typo there at the end…
Be quiet, or I’ll peg-grind your pool.
Looks like a hell of a lot of fun. A must stop for sure
So what did the final cost end up being? Just curious as to how this pre-cast/poured in place park would compare to a regular skatepark of the same size.
Also, “Phase 2” = never going to happen.
The city will see all the kids riding it and figure their job is done. I’m just being cynical but it happens.
Also also, looks fun.
I don’t think any of this was precast.
Your phase 2 comment is funny. Sad, but funny.
I ride bmx almost everyday in the dalles. The park is small but fun. Ive been riding a long time and im much older than anyone else riding or skating the park. There is alot of kids on razor scooters and they dont watch out for anyone but themselfs, but you get that at every park. The worst part is the wind in this area 30mph almost year round. Hood River is more sheltered from the wind and a way better park. If the second phase bowl comes to the dalles it will be pretty sick. I think the final cost was around 195,000 alot for such a little park I dont know if that includes the second phase or not and no it wasnt precast they poured everything on site. The concrete work is very smooth for the skaters.