Spirograph for the skate set
D*Face is back at the Ridiculous Pool, this time with a contraption that attaches a can of spray paint to a skateboard and leaves a trail. Now you’ll never have to ask “What’s the line over the death box?” Photo essay online at Concrete Disciples or catch the video after the jump.
– Thanks to MC and Ryan Hass for the tip.
That’s cool as shit.
Paint covered tranny = slick = pain
That is cool
I think this might be the most posted skate video on my FB list.
Just my opinion but I am so tired of this sort of shit (not digging at S&A but the skate/art world in general) Half assed artist tries to do something vaguely artistic with skating with very limiting end results, a lot of back slapping ensues….Yawn again
Really, you get no joy from this at all? Take it out of the context of the “skate art” world and it’s pure fun. Come up with a cool idea and execute to see if it works. That’s fun.
I like it. As long as it didn’t feature too many artsy-types pretending it was important and going to change the world, etc. I’m married to an artist, and prior to that, I was a serial artist-dater (not tough in Portland). There’s a lot of dipshits in that world, hence the skate/art crossover. Oh snap.
Anyway, that’s a cool idea. Literally seeing one’s line I loved my spirograph when I was a kid…
I have often wondered if you could draw a correlation between the path taken by a skater around a bowl or park, during his session, to the tracks left by high energy sub-atomic particle research….
there is some crazy math in there for sure
Are they making plans to market that device? He he…
Skateboarding IS art. Enjoy every moment.