We got your money in our hands
It’s going to be one parade of lameness here on Skate and Annoy today, so you better brace for it. Kicking it off are these lovely fraternity flavored longboards, as seen here, although it’s not evident that any of these have actually been produced because all the links are dead.
– Thanks to Kelly Robertson for the tip.
God damnit! The world seriously doesn’t need this. It’s another excuse for hip frat boy to ride “longboards”
The links are all dead because no one could be bothered to do actual
work, they’re all hung over from doing keg stands, playing spooge cake and handing out roofies.
No way, brah.
Um, skaters don’t join fraternities.
Each complete comes with a 10 pack of ruffies, 10 separate notarized alibis, flip flops, and a 1 week trial membership to the “Smokin Raisin” tanning and hair maintenance salon for assholes.
A few years back, this jock-dude in one of my PSU classes told me he “used to ride short-boards, but they were too slow.”
I asked him if he’d like to bomb Washington Park with me sometime (my occasional lunchtime ritual), and he said he was busy with class. Then he dropped his pintail longboard to the ground, gave it a push, ran over his flop-flop and ate shit in the hallway.
Wow, I thought skaters liked Grindline. Since Grindline uses the Masonic fraternal logo as their own, are you all calling for skaters to come together and stop these frat boys from building jock parks? I agree that tranny jocks should be exterminated at all costs, and I agree that Grindline frat boys have no place in skateboarding.
Good thread.
What the hell is a jock park?