Lego my failure to come up with a clever title
Sean Kenney spends a lot of time playing with legos, and so do I, but I don’t get paid. He sells aftermarket instructional books for making models, as well as sculptures and portraits. This is a “quick little experiment building 1:20 scale people.” And there you have it. I love legos. Some of Sean’s work has a certain quality to it that transcends the fact that it’s made out of legos.
– Thanks to Matthijs for the tip
Holy shit, Ffej gymnast plant?
That’s what I should called it: Lego Ffej
You fools;it’s a brickplant.
Dig the first aid kit!
Best part of this is that it’s built entirely from old-school rectangular Legos, not those new shaped-like-the-end-product Lego bricks.