Born Ugly and Sharkbeast
I got an envelope from Born Ugly with issue number nine and a Snakebeast comic from contributor James Callahan, courtesy of his collaboration with Carhartt, who has also released some Snakebeast decks, one that looks like it came straight out of Aaron Murray’s quiver. If you love Born Ugly, you won’t be disappointed with issue 9. As for Snakebeast, I gotta say I wasn’t into it at first but I about midway through it I started coming around. By the time it was over I wanted more. It’s short one and only a one off I believe. Maybe it will stoke James to make it a series. Check out the decks after the jump.
I found these decks over at Radcollector. The artwork is from the comic, it evolves kind of like the old Roskopp series. I’m not sure the middle one can stand on it’s own without the other two.