A tale of two reader mails

Two bits of reader mail, both from people with the intellect of a 12 year old, only one is actually from a kid and one is an adult. First up, this cartoon from Patrick, whom I think might be Grover’s nephew. The second allegedly comes from the holder of U.S. patent #5161810. For some reason he thinks I design and/or manufacture iceboards. He had this to say:

Yo Wats up with you dis-n my iceskateboard! You should first know what the heck you are talking about before you comment negatively on another design. Or at least learn how to read a patent and understand mechanisms (oh thats right I forgot, you only like the pictures). These trucks are not at all like Stoker trucks, and they in no way behave like them either. Of course, I could tell you the differences, but why bother. I made ice blades similar to yours before I made mine, And I can guarantee that your design is lame during turns comparatively.

John DeCesare
Craftek Design LLC

PS. you suk at photoshop

What’s he talking about? I compared iceboard technologies and mentioned that his 1992 patent had trucks that were reminiscent of Stroker trucks. I suk [sic] at photoshop. You suck at communication.


8 thoughts on “A tale of two reader mails

  1. I grew up in Michigan during the 80s. Long winters of heavy snow made skateboarding impossible. We did lots of sledding & played ice hockey in those winter months. In 1985 my father cut 4 pieces of steel & drilled a hole in the center (sharpened to an edge on one side)that I attached to my Trackers. After loosening the trucks…my new “iceboard” worked really well on the frozen pond down the street. I could carve & even ollie. I never tried to patent it & laugh at the seriousness of John DeCesare. His diagram is hilarious & over complicated.

  2. Prickly Pete on April 21, 2011 - Reply

    A guy could form up some snow and spray it with water for a transition. Of course, they have these things called snowboards nowadays.

  3. Good Mails but my cousin is Collin. His drawing is of some launch ramp stuff.

  4. “Yo Wats up with you dis-n”
    ….Sounds like a legitimate engineer to me!

  5. Stocked Trucks on April 21, 2011 - Reply

    Yeah, they look like Stroker Trucks (not Stocker -At least he should know his competition)…
    I had some for a while and they never worked..
    Stroker Trucks had great futuristic design though…
    That was… 33 ??? years ago??? yeah, 33!!!

  6. talentlessquitter on April 21, 2011 - Reply


  7. Patrick has better command of the English language. Damn.

  8. The Shralper on April 22, 2011 - Reply

    Shiiit…we be dis-n you all day…yo truck design iz wack. Man bring that shit ova here to tha projects, see how long that shit lasts. Straight outta Compton yo!

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