Lite Brite
Flexdex made some modern clear cruisers, but they’ve recently been adding led light to some models called LightBoards. They look pretty cool actually. I’m not sure why these appeal to me but others don’t, maybe it’s a residual fondness for Tron. The first time I saw a Flexdex board was in a surf shop around the new millennium. They made a huge oversized board that might have actually been bigger than the Sector 9 Luke Nosewalker, which is almost as big as some of those Hamboards. I was surprised to find out they were still in business. Turns out the company was sold in 2010 to a group whose breakout move was to launch these LED stringer boards at the NYC Toy Fair earlier this year. Actually, the more I type, the less appealing these boards seem to me. The bottom photo is from Gadgets and Gear. Unintentionally funny video after the jump.
[Source: I still don’t know…]
First Penny boards,now this.
30 years ago people were clever enough to develop the skateboard into the more stable 10″ by 30″-or-so wooden board it became.
Now I have to ride a ‘suicide board’ again?Is it because nostalgia sells?
THat guy in the video must think he is E.T…
an unstable board can make a trip down a milder hill or snake run pretty entertaining
(gasp) $199.95!…(gag)…(choke)…(thump!)
Flexdex got bought out? That makes me a little sad, surprisingly.