In case there ever was a doubt
Roving reporter John Agular spotted this lovely Vision Street Wear scooter. So, yeah, looking forward to seeing how the VSW reissue scooters sell on eBay in 20 years. Reminds me of a hilarious bumper sticker that showed up on eBay in 2004. Kind of a niche joke, which makes all the more appealing to the nerd that runs this site.
Dude has the Gator model come out yet?
I wonder if this is what Brooke was talking about one of those times when he said something about there being some super secret skate surprise surfing down the pipe that he’s been sworn to secrecy about during a confidential caucus at ASR, but that things are going to get really interesting…really fast!
If it is, I feel cheated.
Wow! I know that they haven’t really been anything in skating for a long time, but now they’re not even trying! DONE!
How do I ‘wear’ a scooter,Vision? Is it an accessory?
I went googling for the Vision skateboards website.Boy was I naive!
Wow! Brand Nazi’s in full effect.