Carving vs. carving
A German cat named Tobias Megerle has commissioned traditional wood carvers in Mombai, India to make ornamental skateboards instead of furniture for a change, and boy do those sorry guys look miserable. He plans on showing them in an exhibit at a gallery called the Loft at Lower Parel. Megerle said he had been fascinated with the craft but wanted to find a way to showcase it that wasn’t so stuffy and boring. Here’s why he chose skateboards:
…the good old skateboard. In Mumbai — though almost completely unknown — the skateboard is, in many places, more than just a piece of sports equipment. It’s an entire lifestyle that’s created around it, a unique music style, special clothes, whole skater-parks.
So that’s a heads up to all our, uh… Indian readers.
[Source: CNNGO] – Thanks to Eric Cherry for the tip.
‘boy do those sorry guys look miserable’ – what do you mean?
I mean they don’t look very happy at all.
They don’t understand camera’s. They think you are trapping their souls in your little black,window-box. And in their language, “Nikon” means devil.
I’d like to take a picture of you while you’re at work and compare ’em. Plus, they are more skilled with their hands than anyone on this site.
Except me of course, but you mortal guys? Totally.
Last night I cut the cardboard out of a large box of fairleads at the winch making place so as to make a neat arm chair. Then I fashioned a cardboard holder for my epic 4G smartphone so that I could watch a skate video(extremely sorry)on my break time. I am pretty handy with that box knife. It was the best break ever in my stylish and comfortable chair.
It would have made a nice(being at work)picture.
Errr.. still not sure why you would take offense. Nobody said they weren’t skilled, just that they look miserable in the picture… which they do. I think you’re trying to turn this into something it isn’t.
Isn’t the site called Skate and Annoy? If some one takes offense for no easily discernible reason then something something?!
dude, i’ve see some carved indian furniture…I dunno about these guys but the stuff I saw was horribly done…
Those are some fine lookin’ snowshoes!
But can they carve a pool? Yuck yuck.
I wouldn’t mind someone carving me a pool for my backyard. Can They make it out of Mahogany?
“Excuse me, grown men sitting cross-legged on a tyvek drop-cloth, while applying carpel-tunnel-inducing amounts of stress onto your hands via carving with little chisels and knives, and rubbing chemical-stain into wood with no gloves or a respirator, could you give me a smile?”
Quit saying it’s cause they work too hard. That’s not the reason they look miserable. Go to South America,they work hard as hell for nothing and I got a bunch of pictures of smiling locals.
Every been to India?? It’s fuckin stinky. And humid. Everyone’s hot,and stinky, and broke,the water stinks, even the flowers there stink. It’s like a big stinky Florida, with cobra’s and women in robes instead of bikini’s. That’s why they look pissed.
What’s wrong with a big, stinky Florida, bitch?
Maybe nuthin, for you. I don’t wanna get with a “big,stinky Florida bitch”….maybe a little Florida bitch that doesn’t stink…
Can I get one with Vishnu and or Ganesha on it?
Hell, I look like that when I’m SKATING.
C’mon Jakey, people tell me I look like Charlize Theron….
People tell me I look like her too… in Monster.
Dang.. I’m slow on the uptake. You beat me to it. I cede the title to you.
Nuthin’ wrong with her….
…And people tell me I’m twice as handsome as that Zac Efron kid….Well,my grandma does. And then she stares vacantly and starts rubbing her foopah. Then lower…
That picture would be a perfect fit for this: http://WhyIdontSkateboard.tumblr.com/