GVK Outsources
I am going to do a little out sourcing. I am looking for footage of slappys. Submissons must be on minute or less Include Full name and send it to skate and annoy. If yours is good enough or bad enough you maybe a star on an upcoming GVK. Show your support and submit and annoy.
Editor’s note: Please don’t email us videos right now. I’ll try to figure out the logistics on how to get your footage. Check back here for details.
sounds fun
Lucero to the courtesy phone…
Not the Tobes you video will not be accepted it is too long by 1.14 minuets. Thanks for trying.
What? That was some sick slappy action by Lucero. It’s legit just clip it GVK. On the other hand, a Not-the-Tobes slappy would be sick as well. Slappy, slappy, slappy,…..
Original footage for GVK purpose please. If Lucero wants to submit then that’s OK..
Maybe Not-the-Tobes is Lucero?
I sure hope it’s for the Slappy Kult, because I definitely want to get beaten in.
Let me know how to submit. I have got some slappy footage