Real Renewals
Skateboards made from recycled wood? Cheaper but still guaranteed? Yes. Shop logos and donations to DIY spots? Yes. Sound to good to be true? How is the recycled wood used, and how much of the board is recycled? No details whatsoever, so it’s hard to evaluate. However, the lack of information is usually telling. If it actually works, I’m for it. Has anyone out there rode one of these Real Renewal boards?
Don’t they have to disclose what percentage of post-consumer waste went into making the product? I’m not seeing it anywhere.
I don’t think they do. Also, I don’t think any of it is post consumer. They are probably doing the thing that other companies have been doing and taking the pieces of veneer that aren’t quite big enough for a whole deck and frankenstiening them with other pieces. It’s actually a structurally sound concept if you think about it. It’s not really recycling though. It’s just taking material that would otherwise go to waste and using it.
Koastal Meat Loaf board…
Plus, I don’t see a 8.5 or bigger?!
On this page in the catalog:
A very polite way to say they make boards for us old ‘n fat farts now.
Are you offended?Should you be?
You decide (yes;another Ban This reference…);
they call 8.25 an Xtra Large!
I tried one. It was good for 4 days, then became a noodle. So, if you go through a board every 3 days, or enjoy skating an unresponsive piece of bread, go ahead and save the money. Otherwise, they aren’t very good.
so you’re saying they’re just as good as the other “unrecycled” deluxe decks?
I would imagine it all depends on your weight and style
of skating as to whether they last or not. Let’s not forget
that the majority of kids who skate are really light and
don’t skate all that hard anyway. plus the groms would need
the rebate more too. Definitely a step in the right
direction when you consider the alternative could very well
be a generic china deck.
i can already hear the dull ‘thud’ as i crack the tail on this soggy plank…you know the feeling board still on the gound, and only i hopped on the bench
lastly, bcuz my comments are stupid, why don’t they make recycle wood baseball bats? do skaters really need the added guilt of fucking up the environment? some bamboo kook showed up and started whining about how bamboo regenerates faster…who fucking cares?
Fuck these recycled things. Buy only AMERICAN made wood that is skater owned & skater run. Cockfight, Big Mess, Never Again, Old Man Army…there are plenty of high quality decks that will outlast any of these recycled things.
I agree with Mezmer. There are plenty of American options, Mentioning Cold War and Merde for sure. Plus, I heard that this has been going on already out of the drops, they were pricepoints I do believe.
I feel like I sent you this tip months ago. I could have only thought I did though. Actually I remember now. I put this in an email a long time back late one night. Being late at night, I was probably drunk, so who knows what happened.
I rode the “X-LRG Classic Renewal” pretty hard last summer. It held up great for me, and I weigh 230. For a popsicle, you could do a lot worse.
These have been out and selling great for over 2 years. No complaints. Ridden into the ground by the best skaters in Portland.
recycled- REALLY, NEVER concidered buying a REAL deck befor don’t like the shape or the name REALLY!
Had one of these, and I’ll give an honest rant here…
They skate amazing. I’ve never had a board I liked so much. Great mellow concave, and great pop/feel.
The downside? I wrecked this within the first three hours skating it. Snapped my tail.
I’m not sure whether I recommend or not, but I’m going to give another a try.
If you weren’t told they were renewed you would have no complaints. Mine is cool one week in the shit