PD on TV
Skull Skates founder PD appeared on a Vancouver-based TV show called Urban Rush. He had a ton of product and a couple dark silent types from Barrier Kult. I was hoping for more interaction with the Barrier Kult guys, they look so sinister standing on that set, like it’s a hostage situation. A large segment of the skateboarding population knows about Barrier Kult, but I’m sure their presence was shocking and a little disconcerting to the general viewing public, especially in the current political climate. It looks like a hostage situation.
– Thanks to Prickly Pete for the tip.
Old Skull Vs New Skull guerilla ?
Keeping it real !
brutal culto a la barrera…
nice…represent Canada
a bit much don’t you think……
bit much of what?
deer man of dark woods?
“shocking and a little disconcerting to the general viewing public, especially in the current political climate…”
Maybe, but Canadians leave the doors to their houses unlocked. They are probably more afraid of their neighbor’s militarism than men in ski masks. To them, it probably looks more like the Deer Man of Darks Woods is getting ready to snow-blow the driveway.
Go Pacifism!!! Eh?!
unlocked doors is why Burnaby/East Van has the highest home robbery rate in North America.
Or marijuana growing. I understand that happens there, too.
Good story but…grow up,lose the beanie.
These boards were never any good looks like nothing has changed. Noodle Burgers. Glad they are still out there though.
Maybe they could do good tricks if they take that stupid shit off their heads and change their underwear this week.
reppin the Trackers, yeah.
i wanted to see her attack that long board in those heels
the masks are nothing more than social commentary, NOT childish bullshit. i’ve been staring at my 1985 old ghost gaurdian feeling very ignored by todays society…SHOCKED AND AMAZED BY BARRIER KULT!!! thanks for letting me know i was’nt going nuts…switch crooks on a 2 inch ledge was getting old ALL HAIL THE KULT!!! make a fucking 1/2 hour movie already!
there is a video, and it is plenty long enough. Cool in an odd Canadian way. Why do skull skates cost so much? Clearly it isn’t the art that is costly.
all of PDs stuff has been 20% over normal costs, even up in the Vancouver BC store. A hoodie will set you back $60 at Calsk8/everywhere, while other brands go for $45.
It’s the price of being fashionable I guess. Suckers.
the wood is freakishly strong, i think its canadian dollars i got a skull skates for $50, that was listed at $80. the wood is like a louisville slugger
Must be the export.
Don’t get me started on the prices on the SSEurope website.
The Banksy effect. Who are they!?!
O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
I don’t know about the Barrier Kult but have you seen Trailier Park Boys, OH CANADA!
I bet the under ware really smells and that girl does the laundry.