Leather and Wood
Maker Carry Goods makes errr…. goods out of wood, metal, leather and canvas. There’s the usual fare like wallets, European carry-alls (like Grover used to rock) and assorted bags, but then again there are metal hooks, stools and skateboards with leather riser pads. These could be huge in the metal community. I kind of like those riser pads actually, I just don’t want to buy a skateboard to get a set.
– Thanks to MC for the tip.
Nice “riser” (what? 1/16″?) pads.I hope the little edge keeps the truck baseplate straight and aligned.
The pad looks dead flat,a good thing! If only it was sunk into the bottom ply.
There have ben lots of developments on deck making technology but I think the industry has neglected the baseplate-attatching-part.
Too often the surface is not flat,due to concave or the beginning of the nose or tail.Luckily I keep my mounting hardware tight as hell.
So I’m not the only one who notices this? Drives me nuts man. I always think that tightening shit down warps the board in whichever way is tightest. I remember reading something where Lizard King says that he always tightens his top right nut first, because it helps him kickflip.
Totally agree – still kind of XIX th century attachement for XXIst century CNCed base plates and decks bottom.
“Flushed in” seems an alternative.
good board shape though
Maker produces fine beverage and decks!!
This would look great in the trunk of my late-model European sedan. Lovely with a fine Chianti.