Doot Doola Doot Doo Doot Doo!
Nardwuar the Human Serviette had a guest DJ Roger Allen on his radio show to present the history of Skate Rock. It’s was an entertaining show to be sure, but I think Roger confused Skate Rock with music that a lot of skateboarders listen to. He started off on a high note with a soundtrack clip from the 60’s film Skater Dater, and a few good skatesploitation tracks from the 70’s before getting derailed by Led Zepplin, the Red Hot Chilli Peppers and a bunch of other bands that certainly were listened to by a lot of the skating population, but can hardly be considered authentic “skate rock,” Bad Brains included. It’s something I’d actually enjoy getting into a scholarly debate about with Allen. It’s a good listen anyway. 80’s centric but bookended by decades on both sides. Check out Nardwuar vs. Roger Allen. I love Nardwuar.
– Thanks to Dale Pidlisny for the tip. [Photo: William R. Jans]
Helter skelter – hem, sorry, Skater Dater:
“have you ever seen a skateboarder surfing in a pool”