Regularly scheduled broadcast…
…will resume on Tuesday. I’m not sure what’s up with MC’s comic malfunction, but I’ve got nothing for Monday. More accurately, pulling it together for the Above Coping benefit show almost killed me, and I spent Sunday printing inane shirts for local college football fans. Instead of writing posts for S&A, I’m going to catch up on episodes of The Walking Dead.
That show is awesome!
Go Ducks!
the last episode of Walking Dead was wank. I was hoping for far more. Dexter on the other had has been superb.
you mean the “walking lost”?
picture link (SPOILER if you haven’t seen the last episode so don’t whine cuz i warned you)
Ouch. That’s too close for comfort. I heard they fired all the writers for season two.
yeah. granted that the producer (Frank Darabont) wrote the first 2 ones (awesome) and the writers did the other 4 (meh). It was going to be super close to the graphic novel, but things went totally off the road with ep. 3
from what i understand, they shit-can writers at seasons end all the time. I guess that Kurt Sutter (head of Sons Of Anarchy) got super butt-hurt that Frank Darabont from Walking Dead ‘stole’ all his writers.
had a good skate weekend myself…Brooklyn St. Fri. evening, THPRD on Sat. Holly Farm and some Dwntn. Beaverton street “spots” on Sun.
gonna watch my dvr’d finale of TWD tonight…opinion coming later
here you go Randy:
Joe Cerisano popped up on Reddit yesterday, he was the singer of Black Sabbath for 1 day and was the voice of GI Joe among other talents. He also sang this skateboarding-themed mountain dew commerical.
Covered in January of 2009!
well RATS.
I’m embarrassed for Black Sabbath. TWD rules.