Quiksilver All 80’s All Day Vert Challenge
Mike McGill, Kevin Staab, Tony Hawk and Christian Hosoi in a promo for The Quiksilver All 80’s All Day Vert Challenge on January 7th, 2011 at SurfExpo in Orlando, FL. The video is mildly amusing, coming off better than most of the skits in Animal Chin, yet highly reminiscent of course. Skaters committed to show so far are Tony Hawk
Christian Hosoi ,Mike McGill, Kevin Staab, Andy Macdonald, Mike Frazier, Ben Schroeder, Buck Smith, Henry Gutierrez and (wait for it….) Rodney Mullen????? Apparently. No word on whether his parents will let him skate vert yet. Video plus one with slightly extended highlights from last year, after the jump.
– Thanks to Bob Mechtly for the tip.
Just a chance to see Mike Frazier, Ben Schroeder, Buck Smith, Henry Gutierrez & Rodney Mullen (little known fact that he can skate vert) would be fucking amazing!
Can’t we blame Mike McGill for letting the Carlsbad park get demolished? Wasn’t he owner at some point and built a ramp so ‘noone could snake him’. What a fuck.
Can’t we blame Staab for making manic panic and amish hats look furbying retarded on an old man? Yo Kev, your skating speaks for itself. No need to augment.
Jeff Hedges told me last night that he is going to this event courtesy NHS!
Sent him some white BURLY CAPS for his Rector-colored 187’s, as you can’t fake the 80’s without the correct colors….
Ffej is a bad ass! Stoked to hear that he is going to make this event!
Can’t wait for the recap video, last years was great. I don’t get all the love for Staab decks, but he still rips from what I have seen, so he should tone it down.
The first vid. is hilarious,lol! I love that.
I was just thinking about what happened to this event.Thought it was a one-time deal.Isn’t there an award for best period-dressed?
Funny opening. Can we get the ramp when they are done?
Love this. who’s on the soundtrack? I should know, I know…
The Addicts – Viva la Revolution
Blame Staab for whatever you want, I prefer his Addicts fixation over his late 80’s fascination with the Cult.
There is still an expression used here, around these parts, in relation to Staab, and his clothing company back then.
Someone started it, and it stuck:
“Givin’ ‘er. Like 90.”
A lot of locals here would have a “90” sticker on their helmet, purely because of this ridiculous expression!
Skated with him in Carmel Valley on a skate trip 2 years ago.
Biggest backside ollies possible, and an Andrecht-to-fakie, in that kink sink of a square.
Say what you will about Staab. He gets points for consistency. He’s rocked that steez since the mid 80s. The first video I ever saw as a grom came from my local Phoenix shop, Sidewalk Surfer. Staab was the main man. He looked exactly the same. Pre-Bones Brigade Video Show, for context.
And he might have the best backside ollies in the business. On a good day he was going six feet on Dave Sweinhagen’s ramp when a six-foot air was huge.
FanBoy is stoked!!