Wild Grinders at the movies
So there’s a line of toys looking to compete with the Tech Deck Dudes series. It’s called Wild Grinders. They’ve been out for a while, but when they first came out they weren’t pushing the Rob Dyrdek affiliation. That’s right, this appears to be owned or at least fronted by Rob Dyrdek. You’ve got to admire his thinking here, an extension of the Street League philosophy. He’s recognized an are where someone is making marketing skateboarding and injected an actual skateboarder into the organization by starting it himself. Maybe I’m reading too much into it. There’s a WIld Grinders TV commercial running that I’ve been meaning to get online, but instead I’ll spotlight this strange marketing agreement with MovieTickets.com. I’m not sure how many kids are going to buy movie tickets online. Someone must think they are going to, because there is a Wild Grinders spot for MovieTickets.com that is playing in theaters across the country. It’s even going to be in 3D when shown with 3D features. You can watch it after the jump, but be forewarned, On the web site they have the effrontery to make you sit through a completely untargeted commercial before they let you watch what is essentially just another commercial.
I rented a dvd for my kids that has some great skateboarding animation in it. Batman Gothic Knight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cVEBpXz5vA
I could only find this reverse copy clip, in Italian on youtube.
I lost part of my reply.
This is a clip of a dvd I rented for my kids that has some great skate animation. Batman Gothic Knight. Good stories as well.
My mother in law got a couple of these for my 2 year old. Warning-Choking hazard. They fall apart pretty easily. Feet fall off, heads fall off, etc. Be carefull with the little kids!
I’m pretty sure these toys aren’t meant for toddlers. They have to be at least 6 yrs + and they have removable feet because they’re interchangable. The only reason I found out about WG’s is because I saw them in the toy aisle at K-Mart along with other obscure toys. I’m suprised that the marketing on this is so poor! Rob Dyrdek is pretty wise when it comes to marketing! I see huge potential for these toys! DC Shoes also has a line of Wild Grinders shoes. Are they gonna have a tv series? I think it would do really well!