Chicago Trucks
This is a Chicago Trucks advert from an unnamed surfing magazine from the 60’s, although it probably shouldn’t be that hard to figure it out. I can’t imagine there was more than one or two tops. Chicago made it’s name in roller skates of all things, and I’m going to hypothesize that they were one of the first companies to manufacture skateboard specific trucks, outside of full setups. Those are composite wheels… I guess it’s possible they could be early 70’s, but if I had to place money on it, I still say 60’s. Dig the three point mounting hardware.
UPDATE: Based on this ad, we know an ad with the same illustrations was run as late as 1975, but it features different ad copy. It’s entirely possible that this was leftover stock from the late 60’s.
I guy brought a set like those into my shop . They were in the original box with a price tag of 4.95
They still make wheels for rollerskates. I saw a set of 8 on one website for about 5 bucks. I’ll post a link if you want me to.
I saw a flyer for Big 5 sporting goods yesterday offering Chicago rollerskates for 30 bucks or so
Noll’s book ‘Skateboard Retrospective a collector’s guide’ ,page 55.
I had some on a Bahne knockoff in the early 70s with loose bearing Stokers.
I have some black/gold Bennetts if anyone wants them.
My first board in 1975 was a Hang Ten fiberglass board with Chicago trucks just like those in this ad, the wheels that came on them on my Hang Ten were the urethane open ball bearing type…and yes it had the three hole mounting similar to Bennett’s.
I got a set on an old alunimum board.
Where did chicago skateboard trucks get manufactured i’m adooming chicago
And guess who made the late Chicago wheels ?
Kryptonics !
how much would a set of these in perfect condition cost
do any of yous want to by them
Hello-I have a friend who is looking for a set of Chicago 3 hole skateboard trucks in good condition-do you have a set for sale or know of anyone who might?
Please contact me.
Thank you.
Do younkbow where chicago truck where made? .
the holy grail of the old, small trucks! always looking for these on ebay, the ones in great condition are almost priceless haha
you gotta figure this is from the ’70’s since the wheels are translucent and not clay. So my guess is 1974-75 since there were some skateboard ads in Surfer Mags prior to the 1975 skateboard mags
i love these trucks and being an avid collector ive been lucky enough to find a toy wholesaler who sold urethane products in the 1970’s. With the amount of people back in the mid 70’s asking him to make up wheels he decided to concentrate on selling skate stuff as well as making up decks.Now….. Fast-foreward to 2009 when an avid collector who wants to replace a hard to find wheel by attempting to make one from a mould of an original rollersport mark4 ring’s up companys that sell urethane and happens to call the old toy wholesaler who asks “what do you want the urethane for?” collector says “for skateboard wheels” old guy says (to collectors delight)
” i used to sell that sort of stuff in the 70’s AND IVE STILL GOT BOXES OF THE STUFF LYING AROUND WHICH INCLUDES THE TRUCKS AND OTHER BITS AND PIECES” collector promptly heads to old toy shop and exchanges $300 for 6 sets of nos chicago trucks 5+sets of x-calibre trucks and countless sets of metaflex and rollersport mark4 and other brand loose bearing wheels undrilled plastic decks stickers nos cones washers axles bushings ect ect. A feat never to be repeated here in Australia. Ithaught that sort of stuff only happened to others!!!!!!
Hi i have an Old G&S flex Deck with Chicargo Trucks am looking to replace some cones and what ever ells is around my board still works fine but would be nice to have her looking like new
Today on Ebay I will be listing A VINTAGE WOODEN SKATEBOARD ROLLER WITH SPORTS MK IV URETHANE WHEELS AND CHICAGO TRUCKS! The whole unit is in awesome condition. Hope you get a chance to look at it and bid on it.
Anyone know the best way to get the Chicago trucks off the plates? They are secured with rivets.
drill press