Discoboard in Eugene
This mirrored discoboard is almost a year old. I spotted it over at YoBeat’s coverage of an old art show benefit for the Eugene skatepark. No word on who the artist was. It’s been a while since we’ve heard anything from Eugene. There’s a sobering infographic on the Skaters for Eugene Skateparks web site. There’s about $370,000 in the kitty, but they’re still 400k in the hole. Eugene’s ABC affiliate has a video about the state of the union from last August on their web site. For some reason it takes a few minutes to load after the pre-roll commercial.
“I’m a disco-bo(ard)” Devo, 1981
The person who made that board is Tita Santini. I think thats how you spell her name. She did a whole bunch of art decks for the benefit for the WJ skatepark.
Thanks Drew! Yes, It’s my piece. A skater’s mom, Daniel Evans (PTL). I have proof as well. Many photos of it in process. Two have been made actually. Each sold at the benefit for Skaters For Eugene Skate Parks. And, yes, there’s a long waaaaaay to go before it’s built. HELP.