Brooklyn Street is broke
But man, the results so far look great. There’s a benefit show on October 14th covering a wide range in the musical spectrum. Flyer and bigger pic after the jump.
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on October 5th, 2010
Categories: Activism, D.I.Y., Skate
Tags: Brooklyn Street Skate Spot, concrete
But man, the results so far look great. There’s a benefit show on October 14th covering a wide range in the musical spectrum. Flyer and bigger pic after the jump.
I think everyone is broke, have a “canning” contest where people run aboot collecting cans, bottles, then turn that can money into sea-men-t. DuH.
I cant make it, is there a way to donate online, like via paypal or something?
they have a facebook page…if you’re on there, or you can contact colin@baconskateboards.com
is this legal/city approved? nice work.
Not approved and not disapproved is where this all is right now. My email is colinsharp (at) gmail.com FYI
I used the paypal link I found on the facebook page to make a small donation. wish I was closer to make more contributions in material, tools and labor.
Set up so donations are tax deductable. Maybe there is a way to organize with skaters for Portland parks or something so that donations can be made with a specific project in mind.
yes!. we’re working with SEUplift for “fiscal” sponsorship which means we’ll get to use their Tax ID number for Tax deductible donations. The meeting to accept us will be on the 18th therefore we’ll know after that.
I am unsur eexactly where this DIY is, I googled Brooklyn street and have been scanning along the street to find a matching locale. I did find a pool at 11589 SE brooklyn st., looks skatable
SE 16th and Brooklyn
thanks colin, I eventually found it, I just had to follow the street in both directions for awhile, still that pool in the 15000 block looks rad