The day the laughter died
Every once and a while I remember to put some actual skateboarding on this site. I’ve been sitting on these photos for a couple of years. This was in the land of the Swoosh, in fact, almost in it’s shadow.
Every once and a while I remember to put some actual skateboarding on this site. I’ve been sitting on these photos for a couple of years. This was in the land of the Swoosh, in fact, almost in it’s shadow.
nice Randy.
pre-coping smash, Lets ruin a good time for everbody, BMXers
I dont know where you got your story about the BMXers but I heard a certain skateboarder( who posted right below this) was to blame for this. Does he ride bikes too?
You must be misinterpreting what you heard.
He’s still mad. I’t’s been over two years. What do I have to lose now?
no…its like what do “we” have to lose now….nothing cause we aint tellin you…
Sick pictures
I was there the other day, Some assface threw all those cinderblocks in the deep end
I thought it was demoed.
Yeah, if we are going to rehash the past radical manuvers and photos(of course) how did all the coping on the Corvallis Peanut end up on Marginal Way? Pool was still skateable and was made pretty much unskateable by such actions. NW Pool Scences biggest bunch of fucking KOOKS EVER!EVER!
my suggestion to you, Google Earth, would be one of two things:
Go to MW with a fuckin’ sledgehammer, and send said coping back to its maker – OR – settle down, since going back in time is so expensive now days. onehunderedtwentyone gigawatts.
What’s a Jigawatt?…………
Skateboarding is very serious business. Thankfully, cool dudes are here to remind us how to roll.
Thanks, guys!
keep holding that anger. it will do you lots of good.
is it only me or were couple comments deleted for a brief time and than later reposted in wrong order? skate politics are funny indeed. at least nobodys posting my full name saying that i did drugs and fucked their mom.
Ok here is the plan I got Mareks mom, some drugs and I am going to steal the Brooklynn street generator truck, take it up to MW and rotohammer the shit middle of the night. Next I got these rollerbladers chained up in my basement the last couple of years and they are going to dig out the old pit, any blocks left over then they are going upstairs. Anybody else in lets do it!FUCK YEAH
im sure my mom will have fun at some point. BTW i was at least three different places that had that aforementioned coping with blue diamond shape inlets in it and interestingly enough MW was not one of them. maybe i missed it because i was having too much fun:)
As far as I know it wasn’t us BMX guys. I rode it 5 times, never removed more then dirt, and water from that thing. Or any other for that matter. Steal pegs for days by the way.
Team SHRALP = gummy worms
Gummy worms are tasty. And BMX is still a lot cooler than skating. Skating is full of skateboarders, who are the downfall of skating .
team SHRALP= side pipe chilly dog
MW POR VIDA. the spot’s always down for folks to lend a hand. ride on.