Hot, flat VA Beach action
If you think that’s radical, there’s a hot contest happening right now, 45 years ago in Virgina Beach, home of Mount Trashmore. Looks like these guys are following the jam session format, and it’s pretty hectic in there, what with all the windbreakers flying around and the buns being busted and what not….
A note from Judy Riggs: “The video was shot accross the street from W. T. Cooke Elementary on 15th street between Mediterranean and Baltic Avenues in Virginia Beach, VA.” ROSI = Al Roper & Tommy Simmons Comment on video or write directly to will@surf64.com – Virginia Beach Skateboard Contest – mid 60’s – By Buddy Riggs.
Get your 8mm on after the jump.
MC found this. He just finished his 900th comic. Go buy one of his books.
Golly! Those sidewalk surfers sure know how to hang ten!
I am sure that every one has imagined that they could time-travel back to times like these with a modern board…
‘am sure that every one has imagined that they could time-travel back to times like these with a modern board
That is such an awesome find. I love it. Watching it I couldn’t help but notice that while times have changed quite a bit, they also really haven’t changed that much. What with all that criss crossin’ crazieness and all…
Thanks for this. It’s rad.
That was cool. Khaki sales were killing it, skate shoes, not. Any one else wonder how many toes were broken on a day like that?
I swear, one of those guys was wearing dress shoes.
Rad footage but what’s with that anachronistic music? It’s not like surf instrumentals are hard to find….
I was thinking the exact same thing. I just turned the volume off.
I dunno, seems like the music was fitting. Including the last minute and a half which IS surf music, in the girl riders section… which was the only one that perked me up enough to warrant surf music. Frankly, male skating couldn’t really do Dick Dale justice until ’75 and on. (It wuz more like “Ventures In Space”.) And it’s not like their equipment was hopeless; I’ve (LONG since, granted) seem someone roll into a 8.5′ vert bowl on steel wheels and old roller skate trucks… so basically they were mostly doodling instead of doing the equivalent of marching on the North Shore. In other words, it was a ten year long dork session, and doodley music’s befitting.
Um, I seen someone, not “seem” someone, roll over coping into a pool on that set-up. Which is another bone I have to pick with the dogtowners; even with urethane wheels ten years later, they never pioneered the equivalent of launching over the ledge at Waimea like some surfers circa 1964.
Hard to believe it took ten+ years from that just to get to the monkey bar shit.
They couldn’t find a smaller area for this contest?
DUDE! Fudala was RIPPING!!!