SOTW 8-16-10: Andy Macdonald at Pier Park
Going over the mouse hole in Pier Park is pretty gnarly. Andy Macdonald made it over in his first try this year, I assume he made it over last year too. Andy took some video with a helmet cam for those of us who will likely never see the view from up there. Once you get to the point where it’s no sweat to make it over frontside or backside, what else is there? How about this frontside boardslide over the top? Steve Grover captured it with his point and shoot. Watch the video after the jump or check out the full size Shot of the Week.
UPDATE: Alternate views now available over on Earth Patrol Media.
That was one of the raddest things I’ve ever seen. Andy rips. Great shot too Steve.
Incredible. Gnarly. Fun. Thanks for the POV!
(Sadly, that Mac is still one of the most able all-around skaters in the world, will not keep the brainier demographic of the skateboarding community from taking a continuous shit on him for wearing pads and a helmet…).
I don’t think it’s the pads and helmet that ’cause the hate but the fact that he was the first to apologetically become the X-Games poster child (he even had the worst board graphic ever celebrating this). These days it seems being a sell out for some corporate contest is a little more acceptable (unfortunately), but back in the mid 1990’s, skateboarding still had a healthy dose of anti-corporatism running through its veins. Andy still rips, though, all the same…
unapologetically, not apologetically…
Did he ollie across that door right near the end? It looks effortless. Nice.
frontside ollie 1-foot… damn, that dude’s sick
Skating vert felt rad thanks andy
No love for Bucky? The helmet cam footage is hard to watch… front blunt on the hip is GNAR!
Stay tuned for this week’s Monday Cover on Earth Patrol for a bit of Bucky.
Alrighty then!
Not only did he make this “tin can”, Bucky’s suggestion to Andy for a trick name, he body jarred the pipe lip by the hip, grinded on the upper door edge, ollied off the hip over the door, and basically skated the whole time he was there. Good times at Pier Park.
I freely admit to hating on Andy in the past. But thankfully over the last couple of years I’ve been able to see through all that and apreciate that he totally kills it. Not only that, but he seems like a really nice, down to earth, good guy. Which is more important anyway…
Thanks for posting this. It’s freakin’ rad. and Andy rules.
As if it’s not enough to own the biggest fast food chain in the world, he has to do upside down board slides as well.
He rips, nobody can deny it. Crap boards in Walmart though? That is allowing a soulless, polluted, corporate fiend to drink the blood of skateboarding. Ha ha. Just kidding, whatever.
Pretty awesome! Just got my first skate in at Pier yesterday. I was pretty happy just to hit tile on my first day there. This clip really puts into perspective the abilities that these guys have. Amazing.
Andy is one of my favorite skaters because he does what he wants. He doesn’t let the elitist/purist/bro douche bags bring him down. He skates hard and he’s a nice guy, enough said…
Did he bounce over the mouse hole on his pogo-stick? aka The FlyBar?
i’ve seen him charge and go huge at Hastings Bowl, when the last had Slam City Jam near there….but i still prefer to see old guys do padless frontside grinds and small airs (over and over)
That the best POV footage I’ve ever seen. Maybe because I know that bowl and how effortless he made it seem. Damn.
Andy is one the most consistently underated skaters and is a great guy…He is no BS, just skate……CS
andy should take this trick to the Polson Montana helmet brow…..
A lipslide underneath gives you a “Bacon Strip”. Or maybe more appropriately…”Skid Mac”.
as much as he rips, and as nice as he is, i would argue that walmart and pogo stick sponsorships amount to bs.
That up-side-down rock ‘n roll in the picture is not in the video.
Great skater!
He’s got chiclets for teeth.
Saw him grow up. He lived to skate then and now. At 16 when he was good enough to enter the pro vert ranks, vert was dying as a marketing tool. The cool guy club that ran professional skateboarding denied him entry because – (1 he was too nice (2 he didn’t want to hang out and party with the right people (3 the cool guy club was a bunch of drug addicted, over the hill pros who were threatened by his seriousness at progressing. So they branded him as an “athlete who trains” accused him of trying too hard and pretty much forced him to create his own path to success. Skateboarding’s most adored brands have ALWAYS been big $ corporate endeavors posing as punk. Andy is as real as it gets when it comes to skating for the love of skating.
Music:Carlie Parker & Dizzie Gillespie-“Salt Peanuts”.
Late ’40’s/early ’50’s.
Incredible. I’ve never gone over a mouse hole before or front-blunted a hip.
Shit the bed… That is like watching a re-run of a really good skate dream (the ones where you can ollie several feet high, and it feels “so good, I must be dreaming”)