It’s called an anaglyph
I’ve seen these red and blue 3D images since I was a wee lad, but I just now learned there was a word for them. Dan Springer made two woodcut print blocks out of skateboards and used them to print an anaglyph. The boards and the print were sold at a charity auction. Very cool. Reminds me of the stereoscopic anaglyph issue of Contort (skate zine) that Dan Estabrook put out in the late 80’s. See what Dan Springer is up to at Skul Luxe.
[Source: Wooden Toy Publishing]
…totally cool, it reminds me of Dynamite magazine for some reason..
totally annoying. It looks like some stupid 3d picture. Hate it.
Some background info for our readers: Neil’s parents were killed in an industrial 3D accident.
“industrial”??? Like steel mill? Or Skinny Puppy concert?