Friday T&A on S&A: A natural lifesyle
I think it was Scott Starr who tipped me off to the existence of a 60’s era nudist lifestyle magazine with some skateboard shots in it. He’s hoarding them for a skateboard book that’s all pre- 70’s. I’ve heard about some of the things he’s unearthed, and it promises to be amazing, although he will have some competition from another book in the works, but more on that later. (No, it’s not from me.) All of this has nothing to do with where I found this, which was on Wooden Toy Publishing. I can’t link directly to it because for some reason they don’t have permalinks set up. Every time they update everything gets pushed further back and the urls change. Look for it on the June 21st, 2010 edition of Happy Mondays. I emailed them earlier in the week to see if they had any background information to share and I haven’t heard back yet. Very tame (unless you are offended by cellulite) but NSFW after the jump.
Gimmie a T… Gimmie an A…
Thank you for the Friday TnA
Yay! Boobies!
Just one, actually.
ha! awesome photo! bettys havent changed in 60 years! love it!!
Blockhead artist Ron Cameron is working on pre-70’s skate book too.
lovely way to start the weekend…
I’m just glad she’s facing that direction!
She even makes a nice shadow.
Has anybody noticed she’s standing on a skateboard, I just now did.
i’d hit it… hse may be flat as hell, 44″ and rollin’ on clay, but i’d still totally give her a roll.
i would eat her box, but only after shaving that hairy thing