It stands for Brooklyn Street Skate Spot Shots, what else? Super funs spot. Easy to ride, but the tech guys can get all techy if they want. There is no drama with opposing build crews, just a miscommunication is all. On Saturday they raised over $150 bucks. I’m lobbying for a runway on the other side of the volcano so goofy footers can hit it frontside easier. Fun for all ages. Way to go guys.
Geez, he rides this place like he built it. One of the founding fathers, Jesse.
Welsh Pete. I don’t think he made this, but let’s pretend he did.
This is a make, believe it or not. This was some sort of a pivot to nose blunt, I think. Whatever it was, rad. Egbert caught it on video though.
Fun for all ages! Jack Grover.
Nice! I agree on the runway on the other side of the volcano.
I dig (so to speak) that there’s a plant (living, dead or plastic; doesn’t matter) in the mini skate spot. I also dig that there isn’t graffiti all over it.
@ Maloafer
a street scot crying like a bitch is unacceptable..
40k whaaambulance
No Vert skater ever cried for 2nd place, well maybe ken park
So many rad expansion possibilities, with the foot bridge, and its pillars.
Looks super fun, and yeah, the planter is killer!
Looks fun. Sweet Cobra photo incentive.
Hell yeah!!
I love this shtuff! Build and skate anything you can! Make the spot happen!
Yeah, such a small footprint with a disproportionally large effect.
Now imagine the city littered with these small spots.
yeah Randy, because you guys out there are really short of skate spots. Damn.
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